What is SRN Number in Aadhaar Card?

Did you update the Aadhar details online? Indian Government provides the Indian citizens a unique set of numbers that gets printed on Aadhar Card.

Aadhar card widely gets accepted as an identification proof, and recently it has become mandatory to link bank accounts as well as mobile numbers with the Aadhar number.

Due to some technical or manual errors, either the name or the provided address may get printed with a mistake. Being a responsible citizen as well as to prevent hassles, you must get it changed.

Updating Aadhar card details online is the easiest way for every person. After requesting update online, you will receive an SMS on the registered mobile number. The SMS will contain URN and SRN Number.

Where will you get the SRN Number?

Do you know what SRN Number in Aadhar Card is? SRN is the Service Request Number. You can use the SRN Number for checking the status of an update request for Aadhar Card online.

SRN number is unique, and it gets created when you submit the request for updating Aadhar card with the provided new information or the information to rectify the errors.

If you enter incorrect SRN Number, you will stay prevented from checking the Aadhar Card update status. You can use the URN Number instead of SRN Number.

For an update, make sure you have the registered mobile number with you so that you receive the URN and SRN Number on the registered number. You can easily track the status of the update request.

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