How to Recover Forgot Bank of India User ID Online

Nowadays, in our hectic lives with many things at hand, we tend to forget essential things in our daily lives, and the problem arises if we haven’t noted them elsewhere. Unfortunately, we often find ourselves unable to recall the bank’s user ID due to old age or non-frequent use during need.

So if you have a Savings Bank Account or a Current Account with the Bank Of India (or BOI), keep reading as this post discusses some easy steps to recover your forgotten Bank of India user ID online.

Steps to Recover Forgot Bank of India User ID Online

Suppose you are a bank customer of Bank Of India having a Savings Bank Account or a Current Account, and have a Bank of India ATM-cum-Debit card issued. But for some reason, you have forgotten your BOI  internet banking User ID, and you don’t know what to do now. So don’t worry. Just follow the below-written simple and easy steps, such as:

Step 1. Download and install BOI mobile app from your google play store.  Now, a user interface will open up before you. Click on the “Next” button. After that, once again, click on the “Next” button. Then click on the “Proceed” button.

After that, you will be asked to allow BOI to access your mobile. Click on all the “Allow” options as required. Then click on the “Proceed” button.

Step 2: Select the correct SIM option and click the “Send” button. After that, an SMS text message will be sent from your mobile to verify your SIM number.

Important: Please note that your user SIM should have a sufficient recharge balance, otherwise, you will not be able to proceed with the process. After verification of the user SIM, a new page will open before you. Here you will receive a message that your account has been reactivated successfully. Click on the “LOGIN TO M-BANKING” tab.

Step 3: Now, a new page will open up before you click on the “Forgot User ID” option on the right side of your mobile screen.

Step 4: After that, you will be asked to enter the One Time Password (OTP) sent to you on your mobile. Enter the received OTP as required. Then click on the “Validate” option.

Your user id will be displayed on the next screen. If the user Id is not shown on the next page, then you will be asked to enter the transaction password. After entering the transaction password, the boi user id will be shown on the next page.

If you have forgotten the transaction password, then follow further steps to retrieve your user id

  • Now, you will be asked to enter the transaction password. If you forgot your transaction password, click the “Forgot transaction password” option. Then click on the “Submit” button.
  • After that, you will be asked to enter your Debit card details. Do as required. Then click on the “Verify” button.
  • Now, you will be asked to enter the One Time Password (OTP) sent to you on your mobile. Enter the received OTP as required. Then click on the “Verify” button.
  • After that, a new page will open up before you. You will be asked to type and enter a new transaction password and re-enter the same transaction password as required, then click on the “Submit” button.
  • Wait for some time until your new transaction password is verified. Then you will receive a message that the transaction password has been reset successfully. Click on the “OK” button. Enter the new reset transaction password as required, then click the “Submit” button.

After that, a new page will open before you, where you will see your user ID; now, you can click the “Proceed To Login” option. So this way, you can quickly learn to recover your forgotten Bank of India User ID online.

Final Thoughts On Closing Comments

Hopefully, by following the steps mentioned above, you will learn to clear all your doubts regarding how to recover your forgotten Bank of India User ID online. However, if you are still facing any problems with the forgotten Bank of India User ID, you should email stating your issue details.

If you do not get a response to the email, then you have more options: call any of the numbers for a quicker response on the same request: i.e., 1800 – 220 – 229 or 1800 – 103 – 1906 or 91-22-40919191.