What is URN number in Aadhar Card Status?

Do you have an Aadhar Card? The Aadhar Card contains a 12 digit unique number issued by the Indian Government after UIDAI collects biometrics and demographic details including the photo of the Indian citizen.

Sometimes, due to technical errors or any manual errors, any of the demographic information may get printed with a mistake. You can send a request to update the Aadhar Card providing the details about the mistakes and the correct information.

You will receive a URN Number which you can use to track the update status of the Aadhar Card. Do you know what URN Number is? URN number is Update Request Number which you receive after requesting Aadhar Card update.

urn number example

The URN is a 14 digit unique number allocated to the users who required updating Aadhar Card accessing Aadhar Self-Service Update Portal. Without the URN Number, you can’t check the update status of the Aadhar Card.

Important Note: While checking the status of Aadhaar card update, you need to remove slashes from the number.

How to Get the URN Number to know aadhaar card update status?

While requesting Aadhar card update, make sure you have a mobile number linked to the Aadhar number. You will receive the URN Number on the registered mobile number.

To get the URN Number, make sure you have the registered mobile number with you. While requesting the update, you will receive the URN Number via SMS on the registered mobile number.

You can use the same URN Number to track the status of the update request for Aadhar Card. Enter the Aadhar Card number as well as the URN Number and track the status of your request.

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